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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo

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Artigos científicos

PUBLICAÇÕES 2017-2020, considerando apenas aquelas em que estudantes do PPGCS são autores (incluindo egressos dos últimos cinco anos).

1. Prof.ª Adriana Guirado Artur

FERREIRA, M.P.S.; ARTUR, A.G.; QUEIROZ, H.M.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G. Changes in attributes of soils subjected to fallow in desertification hotspot. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 49, p. 22-31, 2018. (Qualis B1)

PINHEIRO, J.I.; ARTUR, A.G.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; SOUZA, J.R.M.; NATALE, W.; SANTOS, R.M.; ARAÚJO, E.A.; MARTINS, T.S. Macronutrients use efficiency and phosphorus exportation by melon plants in response to fertilization. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 266-274, 2018. (Qualis B1)

SOUZA, J.R.M.; ARTUR, A.G.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; PINHEIRO, J.I. Yellow melon yield in response to mineral or organic fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v. 41, p. 1-8, 2018. (Qualis B2)

TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; CASTRO, A.C.; ARTUR, A.G.; MARTINS, T.S.; ARAÚJO, E.A. Growth and nutrient uptake by potted foliage anthurium. Ornamental Horticulture, v. 24, p. 231-237, 2018. (Qualis B3)

QUEIROZ, H.M.; ARTUR, A.G.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; SOUZA, M.R.S.; NASCIMENTO, J.C.; NÓBREGA, G.N.; OTERO, X.L.; FERREIRA, T.O. Hidden contribution of shrimp farming effluents to greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove soils. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 221, p. 8-14, 2019. (Qualis A2)

SANTOS, R.M.; SERRANO, L.A.L.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; ARTUR, A.G; NATALE, W.; CORRÊA, M.C.M. Foliar fertilization on the production of grafted dwarf cashew seedlings. Ciência e Agrotecnologia (Online), v. 43, p. e028119, 2019. (Qualis A2)

ARAÚJO, E.A.; ARTUR, A.G.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; NATALE, W. SERRANO, L.A.L. Rootstock/scion in dwarf cashew improves aluminum tolerance, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1862189. (Qualis B2)

QUEIROZ, H.M.; FERREIRA, T.O.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; BARCELLOS, D.; NASCIMENTO, J.C.; NÓBREGA, G.N.; OTERO, X.L.; ARTUR, A.G. Nitrogen mineralization and eutrophication risks in mangroves receiving shrimp farming effluents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 27, p. 34941, 2020. (Qualis A2)

SANTOS, R.M.; NATALE, W.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; SERRANO, L.A.L.; ARTUR, A.G. Association of controlled-release and foliar fertilizers in the production of grafted dwarf cashew seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v. 1, p. 1-9, 2020. (Qualis B2)

2. Prof. Adunias dos Santos Teixeira

ALMEIDA, E.L.; TEIXEIRA, A.S.; ROCHA NETO, O.C.; LEÃO, R.A.O.; CANAFÍSTULA, F.J.F. Use of capacitance sensors with the instantaneous profile method to determine hydraulic conductivity. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 49, p. 353-362, 2018. (Qualis B1)

3. Prof. Arthur Prudêncio de Araújo Pereira

GARCIA, K.G.V.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; PINHEIRO, J.I.; CARMO, J.F.; PEREIRA, A.P.A.; MARTINS, C.M.; ABREU, M.G.P.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, J.S. Attenuation of manganese-induced toxicity in Leucaena leucocephala colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizae. Water, Air And Soil Pollution, v. 231, p. 22-22, 2020. (Qualis B1)

4. Prof. Boanerges Freire de Aquino

OLIVEIRA FILHO, J.S.; PEREIRA, M.G.; AQUINO, B.F. Organic matter labile fractions and carbon stocks in a Typic Quartzipsamment cultivated with sugarcane harvested without burning. Revista Caatinga (UFERSA. Impresso), v. 30, p. 24-31, 2017. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA FILHO, J.S.; PEREIRA, M.G.; AQUINO, B.F.; ARAUJO, T.V. Phosphorus forms and adsorption in a Typic Quartzipsamment cultivated with sugarcane harvested without burning. Revista Caatinga (UFERSA. Impresso), v. 30, p. 343-352, 2017. (Qualis B1)

5. Prof. Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda

ALBANO, F.G.; CAVALCANTE, I.H.L.; MACHADO, J.S.; LACERDA, C.F.; SILVA, E.R.; SOUSA, H.G. New substrate containing agroindustrial carnaúba residue for production of papaya under foliar fertilization. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v. 21, p. 128-133, 2017. (Qualis B1)

MEDEIROS, W.J.F.; OLIVEIRA, F.I.F.; LACERDA, C.F.; OLIVEIRA, D.R.; RIBEIRO, M.S.S.; OLIVEIRA, A.C. Efeitos da salinidade do solo e encharcamento sobre as taxas de crescimento de plantas jovens de coqueiro-anão-verde. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, v. 11, p. 1315-1323, 2017. (Qualis B3)

OLIVEIRA, F.I.F.; MEDEIROS, W.J.F.; LACERDA, C.F.; NEVES, A.L.R.; OLIVEIRA, D.R. Saline water irrigation managements on growth of ornamental plants. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v. 21, p. 739-745, 2017. (Qualis B1)

REGES, K.S.L.; VIANA, T.V.A.; SOUSA, G.G.; SANTOS, F.S.S.; LACERDA, C.F.; AZEVEDO, B.M. Estresse salino em plantas de pimentão em sistema semi-hidropônico sob fertilização orgânica e mineral. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, v. 11, p. 1813-1824, 2017. (Qualis B3)

SOUZA, M.C.M.R.; MENEZES, A.S.; COSTA, R.S.; AMORIM, A.V.; LACERDA, C.F.; RIBEIRO, M.S.S. Tolerância à salinidade e qualidade de mudas de noni sob diferentes ambientes e matéria orgânica. Revista brasileira de agricultura irrigada, v. 11, p. 2052-2062, 2017. (Qualis B3)

CAMPELO, D.H.; LACERDA, C.F.; SOUSA, J.A.; BEZERRA, A.M.E.; ARAÚJO, J.D.M.; NEVES, A.L.R.; SOUSA, C.H.C. Características morfofisiológicas foliares e estado nutricional de seis espécies lenhosas em função da disponibilidade de água no solo. Ciência Florestal (Online), v. 28, p. 924-935, 2018. (Qualis B1)

FEITOSA, H.O.; LACERDA, C.F.; ARAÚJO, I.C.S.; FERREIRA, F.J.; CARVALHO, C.M.; MARINHO, A.B. Chemical soil attributes in a rotating system under salinity and nitrogen trials. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, v. 21, p. 1-11, 2018. (Sem Qualis)

FREITAS, E.D.; LACERDA, C.F.; VIEIRA, J.M.; BEZERRA, B.G.M.C.; RIBEIRO, A.A. Effect of leaching fraction determined by two methods on growth and yield of maize submitted to salt stress. Irriga, v. 1, p. 34-39, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NEVES, A.L.R.; LACERDA, C.F.; SOUSA, C.H.C.; FERNANDES, F.I.O.; RIBEIRO, M.S.S. Quantitative and qualitative responses of Catharanthus roseus to salinity and biofertilizer. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental, v. 22, p. 22-26, 2018. (Qualis B1)

MEDEIROS, W.J.F.; OLIVEIRA, F.Í.F.; LACERDA, C.F.; SOUSA, C.H.C.; CAVALCANTE, L.F.; SILVA, A.R.A.; FERREIRA, J.F.S. Isolated and combined effects of soil salinity and waterlogging in seedlings of Green Dwarf coconut. Semina. Ciências Agrárias (Online), v. 39, p. 1459-1468, 2018. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, E.V.; LACERDA, C.F.; NEVES, A.L.R.; GHEYI, H.R.; OLIVEIRA, D.R.; OLIVEIRA, F.Í.F.; VIANA, T.V.A. A new method to evaluate salt tolerance of ornamental plants. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, v. 30, p. 173-180, 2018. (Qualis B1)

RIBEIRO, A.A.; FREITAS, E.D.; LACERDA, C.F.; VIEIRA, J.M. BEZERRA, B.G.M.C. Effect of leaching fraction determined by two methods on growth and yield of maize submitted to salt stress. Irriga, v. 1, p. 34-39, 2018. (Qualis B1)

BRAZ, R.S.; LACERDA, C.F.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; FERREIRA, J.F.S.; OLIVEIRA, A.C.; RIBEIRO, A.A. Growth and physiology of maize under water salinity and nitrogen fertilization in two soils. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental , v. 23, p. 907-913, 2019. (Qualis B1)

BARBOSA, T.C.S.; LACERDA, C.F.; BARBOSA, F.E.L.; BRAZ, R.S.; COSTA, M.C.G. Carbon and chemical fractionation of soil organic matter in irrigated banana plantation subjected to conservation practice. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 6, p. 42049-42063, 2020. (Sem Qualis)

RIBEIRO, A.A.; LACERDA, C.F.; NEVES, A.L.R.; SOUSA, C.H.C.; BRAZ, R.S.; OLIVEIRA, A.C.; PEREIRA, J.M.G.; FERREIRA, J.F.S. Uses and losses of nitrogen by maize and cotton plants under salt stress. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020. (Qualis A2)

6. Prof.ª Eunice Maia de Andrade

ALMEIDA, C.L.; ARAÚJO, J.C.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ANDRADE, E.M. Fallow reduces soil losses and increases carbon stock in Caatinga. Floram, v. 24, p. 1-10, 2017. (Qualis B1)

PEREIRA, E.C.B.; LOPES, F.B.; GOMES, F.E.F.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; MAGALHÃES, A.C.M.; ANDRADE, E.M. Determining the soil erodibility for an experimental basin in the semi-arid region using geoprocessing. American Journal of Plant Sciences, v. 8, p. 3174-3188, 2017. (Qualis B5)

ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; LOPES, F.B.; ANDRADE, E.M.; ALMEIDA, C.L.; OLIVEIRA, L.C. Nutrient dynamics in bottom sediment of a reservoir in the semi-arid region. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, v. 25, p. 1-9, 2018. (Qualis B1)

VALBRUN, W.; ANDRADE, E.M.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; ALMEIDA, E.L. Carbon and nitrogen stock under different types of land use in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 479, 2018. (Qualis B1)

7. Prof. Fernando Felipe Ferreyra Hernandez

ANJOS, D.C.; DIAS, G.M.G.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; DINIZ, J.D.N. Regional substrates of the Brazilian Northeast on acclimatization and development morphological of Minirose. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 341, 2018. Qualis B1)

ANJOS, D.C.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; BAÑUELOS, G.S.; DANGI, SR.; TIRADO-CORBALÁ, R.; SILVA, F.N.; MENDES FILHO, PAULO F. Microbial community and heavy metals content in soils along the Curu River in Ceará, Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 14, p. e00173, 2018. (Qualis B1)

ANJOS, D.; MAIA NETO, A.A.; DIAS, G.M.G.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; TIRADO-CORBALA, R. Phosphorus and zinc extractable and total in substrate enriched coconut powder and tomato cultivation. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 295, 2018. (Qualis B1)

CUNHA, C.S.M.; HERNANDEZ, R.D.Z.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; CASTRO, J.I.A.; ESCOBAR, M.E.O. Assessment of heavy metal sources in soils from a uranium-phosphate deposit using multivariate and geostatistical techniques. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 230, p. 168, 2019. (Qualis B1)

IRIAS ZELAYA, C.R.; GADELHA, J.C.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; ORTIZ ESCOBAR, M.E. Heavy metals behavior in the presence of organic acids and proteins in the rhizosphere and plant tissues of Yellow Melon var. Natal (Cucumis melo L.) cultivated in a Quartzarenic Neosol. Water air and Soil Pollution, v. 231, p. 572, 2020. (Qualis B1)

8. Prof. Francisco Marcus Lima Bezerra

AZEVEDO, J.; FREIRE, A.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SANTOS, C.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; BEZERRA, F.M.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Desempenho de sistemas de leitura de tensiômetro em condições de temperatura controlada. Irriga, v. 22, n. 4, 735-756, 2017. (Qualis B1)

9. Prof. Jaedson Cláudio Anunciato Mota

AZEVEDO, J.; FREIRE, A.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SANTOS, C.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; BEZERRA, F.M.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Desempenho de sistemas de leitura de tensiômetro em condições de temperatura controlada. Irriga, v. 22, n. 4, 735-756, 2017. (Qualis B1)

MOTA, J.C.A.; FREIRE, A.G.; ALVES, C.V.O.; ALENCAR, T.L. Impactos de uso e manejo do solo na variabilidade e qualidade de atributos físicos de Cambissolos. Agro@mbiente on-line, v. 11, p. 277-289, 2017. (Qualis B4)

MOTA, J.C.A.; LIBARDI, P.L.; BRITO, A.S.; MORAES, S.O.; NASCIMENTO, Í.V.; ALENCAR, T.L. Variabilidade espacial dos parâmetros da equação de van Genuchten em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Agro@mbiente on-line, v. 11, p. 92-100, 2017. (Qualis B4)

ALENCAR, T.L.; CHAVES, A.F.; FREIRE, A.G.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; NASCIMENTO, I.V.; MOTA, J.C.A. Soil physical quality indicators and refinement of the evaluation method through the Srelative. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 151-161, 2018. (Qualis B1)

ALENCAR, T.L.; SOUSA, L.F.R.A.; CHAVES, A.F.; MOTA, J.C.A. Response function for the Srelative index in Cambisol treated with and without bovine liquid biofertilizer. Revista Caatinga, v. 31, n.2, p. 466-475, 2018. (Qualis B1)

ARAÚJO, A.M.S.S.; MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SILVA, C.P.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength in horizons with and without cohesive charater: variability and relation with granulometry. Catena, v. 166, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M.; MOTA, J.C.A. Functionality of the porous network of Bt horizons of soils with and without cohesive character. Geoderma, v. 313, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MOTA, J.C.A.; LIBARDI, P.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; BRITO, A.S.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; ALENCAR, T.L.; FREIRE, A.G.; LIMA JÚNIOR, J.C. Climatic and soil water balances for the melon crop. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 116-129, 2018. (Qualis B1)

MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M. Pore shape, size distribution and orientation in Bt horizons of two Alfisols with and without cohesive character from Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 15, e00197, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, I.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SANTOS, C.L.A.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; MOTA, J.C.A. Effect of sample re-saturation on soil-water characteristic curve. Revista Caatinga, v. 31, n. 2, p. 446-454, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, I.V.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ARAÚJO, J.C.; ALENCAR, T.L.; FREIRE, A.G.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; SILVA, C.P.; MOTA, J.C.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V. Estimation of van Genuchten equation parameters in laboratory and through inverse modeling with Hydrus-1D. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 102-110, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; COSTA, M.C.G.; TOMA, R.S.; MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; COOPER, M. Soil structure and porous system in response to plant components of an agrosilvopastoral system. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 63-78, 2018. (Qualis B1)

FREIRE, A.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; CHAVES, A.F.; NASCIMENTO, Í.V.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; VAN LIER, Q.J.; MOTA, J.C.A. Comparison of devices for measuring soil matric potential and effects on soil hydraulic functions and related parameters. Agricultural Water Management, v. 209, p.1 34-141, 2018. (Qualis A1)

ALENCAR, T.L.; CHAVES, A.F.; FREIRE, A.G.; NASCIMENTO, I.V.; QUEIROZ, A.S.; MOTA, J.C.A. Field Capacity: methodological approach by static and dynamic criteria. Geoderma, v. 353, p. 81-88, 2019. (Qualis A2)

MOTA, J.C.A.; FEITOSA, C.E.L.; OLIVEIRA, L.S.; PINHEIRO, J.I.; SOUSA, A.M.; ALENCAR, T.L.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; QUEIROZ, A.S.; NASCIMENTO, I.V. Pipette method: errors resulting from aliquot collection depth in soil clay quantification. Journal of Agricultural Science, v.11, p.244-250, 2019. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, L.S.; MAIA, R.N.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength values for the degrees of soil consistency using human perception and TS-Soil device. Catena, v. 190, 10541, 2020. (Qualis A2)

SILVA, C.P.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; ROMERO, R.E.; ALENCAR, T.L.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; OLIVEIRA, L.S.; SOUZA, L.S.; COSTA, M.C.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Cohesive character in Alfisols, Ultisol and Oxisols in northeast of Brazil: Relationship with tensile strength and particle size. GEODERMA REGIONAL, v. 23, p. e00341, 2020. (Qualis B1)

SILVA, F.G.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; MESQUITA, R.O.; MARQUES, E.S.; MOTA, J.C.A. Gas exchanges and growth of maize as affected by aeration porosity and soil compaction. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 51, e20196834, 2020. (Qualis B1)

SILVA, R.G.P.O.; MOTA, J.C.A.; TOMA, R.S. Semi-detailed survey of soils of Ceará’s semiarid region: Lavoura Seca Experimental Farm. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 51, e20196869, 2020. (Qualis B1)

10. Prof. Joaquim Albenísio Gomes da Silveira

SANTOS, A.A.; SILVEIRA, J.A.G.; GUILHERME, E.A.; BONIFACIO, A.; RODRIGUES, A.C.; FIGUEIREDO, M.V.B. Changes induced by co-inoculation in nitrogen-carbon metabolism in cowpea under salinity stress. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 377, p. 1-10, 2018. (Qualis A1)

ALENCAR, V.T.C.B.; LOBO, A.K.M.; CARVALHO, F.E.L.; SILVEIRA, J.A.G. High ammonium supply impairs photosynthetic efficiency in rice exposed to excess light. Photosynthesis Research, v. 140, p. 321-335, 2019. (Qualis A1)

GUILHERME, E.A.; CARVALHO, F.E.L.; DALOSO, D.M.; SILVEIRA, J.A.G. Increase in assimilatory nitrate reduction and photorespiration enhances CO2 assimilation under high light-induced photoinhibition in cotton. Environmental and Experimental Botany, v. 159, p. 66-74, 2019. (Qualis A1)

GUILHERME, E.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.S.; LOBO, A.K.M.; CARVALHO, F.E.L.; SILVEIRA, J.A.G. Nitrogen-utilization efficiency during early deficiency after a luxury consumption is improved by sustaining nitrate reductase activity and photosynthesis in cotton plants. Plant and Soil, v. 443, p. 185-198, 2019. (Qualis A1)

LIMA-MELO, Y.; ALENCAR, V.T.C.B.; LOBO, A.K.M.; SOUSA, R.H.V.; TIKKANEN, M.; ARO, EVA-MARI; SILVEIRA, J.A.G.; GOLLAN, P.J. Photoinhibition of photosystem I provides oxidative protection during imbalanced photosynthetic electron transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, v. 10, p. 1-13, 2019. (Qualis A1)

SOUSA, R.H.V.; CARVALHO, F.E.L.; MELO, Y.L.; ALENCAR, V.T.C.B.; DALOSO, D.M.; MARGIS-PINHEIRO, M.; KOMATSU, S.; SILVEIRA, J.A.G. Impairment of peroxisomal APX and CAT activities increases protection of photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, v. 70, p. 627-639, 2019. (Qualis A1)

SOUZA, N.C.S.; SILVEIRA, J.A.G.; SILVA, E.N.; LIMA NETO, M.C.; LIMA, C.S.; ARAGÃO, R.M.; FERREIRA-SILVA, S.L. High CO2 favors ionic homeostasis, photoprotection, and lower photorespiration in salt-stressed cashew plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, v. 41, p. 158, 2019. (Qualis B1)

11. Prof. Julius Blum

CAMELO, G.G.S.; BLUM, J. Nutrient flows in small-scale farm production systems from Northeastern Brazil. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, v. 42, p. 1-19, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MAGALHÃES, A.C.M.; BLUM, J.; LOPES, F.B.; TORNQUIST, C.G. Production components of the Ccwpea under different doses of organic fertiliser. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, v. 26, p. 1-9, 2018. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, L.S.; COSTA, M.C.G.; SOUSA, H.A.; BLUM, J.; SILVA, G.H.A.; ABREU, M.G.P.; MAIA, D.S. Characterization of organic wastes and effects of their application on the soil. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 291-298, 2018. (Qualis B1)

PEREIRA, M.S.; BLUM, J.; SOUZA, H.A.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K. Organic carbon decomposition in soil amended with organic compost from slaughterhouse residues. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 7, 2018. (Qualis B1)

12. Prof. Márcio Cleber de Medeiros Corrêa

MENDES, N.V.B.; LIMA, D.C.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; NATALE, W. Emergência e desenvolvimento inicial da bacabeira em diferentes substratos e ambientes. Revista Brasileira de Agropecuária Sustentável, v. 8, p. 90-99, 2018. (Qualis B4)

MENDES, N.V.B.; LIMA, D.C.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; NATALE, W. Emergência e desenvolvimento inicial do açaizeiro em diferentes substratos e ambientes. Acta Iguazu, v. 7, p. 84-96, 2018. (Qualis B3)

LIMA, D.C.; MENDES, N.V.B.; CORRÊA,M.C.M.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; QUEIROZ, R.F.; NATALE, W. Growth and nutrient accumulation in the aerial part of red Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.). Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, v. 41, p. e-030, 2019. (Qualis B1)

SANTOS, R.M.; SERRANO, L.A.L.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; ARTUR, A.G.; NATALE, W.; CORRÊA, M.C.M. Foliar fertilization on the production of grafted dwarf cashew seedlings. Ciência e Agrotecnologia (Online), v. 43, p. 43:e028119, 201, 2019. (Qualis A2)

SANTOS, R.M.; NATALE, W.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; SERRANO, L.A.L.; ARTUR, A.G. Association of controlled-release and foliar fertilizers in the production of grafted dwarf cashew seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v. 1, p. 1-9, 2020. (Qualis B2)

13. Prof.ª Maria Eugênia Ortiz Escobar

CUNHA, C.S.M.; SILVA, Y.J.A.B.; ESCOBAR, M.E.O.; NASCIMENTO, C.W.A. Spatial variability and geochemistry of rare earth elements in soils from the largest uranium-phospate deposit of Brasil. Environmental Geochemisthy and Health, p. 1-15, 2018. (Qualis B1)

CUNHA, C.S.M.; HERNANDEZ, R.D.Z.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; CASTRO, J.I.A.; ESCOBAR, M.E.O. Assessment of heavy metal sources in soils from a uranium-phosphate deposit using multivariate and geostatistical techniques. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 230, p. 168, 2019. (Qualis B1)

MAIA, A.J.; SILVA, Y.J.A.B.; NASCIMENTO, C.W.A.; VERAS, G.; ESCOBAR, M.E.O.; CUNHA, C.S.M.; SILVA, Y.J. A.B.; NASCIMENTO, R.C.; SOUZA PEREIRA, L.H. Near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of rare earth elements in soils from the largest uranium-phosphate deposit in Brazil using PLS, iPLS, and iSPA-PLS models. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 192, p. 675, 2020. (Qualis B3)

IRIAS ZELAYA, C.R.; GADELHA, J.C.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; ORTIZ ESCOBAR, M.E. Heavy metals behavior in the presence of organic acids and proteins in the rhizosphere and plant tissues of Yellow Melon var. Natal (Cucumis melo L.) cultivated in a Quartzarenic Neosol. Water air and Soil Pollution, v. 231, p. 572, 2020. (Qualis B1)

14. Prof.ª Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa

ALMEIDA, C.L.; ARAÚJO, J.C.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ANDRADE, E.M. Fallow reduces soil losses and increases carbon stock in Caatinga. FLORAM, v. 24, p. 1-10, 2017. (Qualis B1)

CARVALHO, A.E.M.; LIMA, L.A.; OLIVEIRA, L.S.; COSTA, M.C.G. Diagnóstico do uso e conservação do solo em região de reforma agrária no semiárido. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, v. 12, p. 568-573, 2017. (Qualis B4)

ARAÚJO, A.M.S.S.; MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SILVA, C.P.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength in horizons with and without cohesive charater: variability and relation with granulometry. Catena, v. 166, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

FERREIRA, M.P.S.; ARTUR, A.G.; QUEIROZ, H.M.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G. Changes in attributes of soils subjected to fallow in desertification hotspot. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 49, p. 22-31, 2018. (Qualis B1)

MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M.; MOTA, J.C.A. Functionality of the porous network of Bt horizons of soils with and without cohesive character. Geoderma, v. 313, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M. Pore shape, size distribution and orientation in Bt horizons of two Alfisols with and without cohesive character from Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 15, e00197, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; COSTA, M.C.G.; TOMA, R.S.; COOPER, M. Plant components of agroforestry system have different contributions to soil fertility. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 381-391, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; COSTA, M.C.G.; TOMA, R.S.; MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; COOPER, M. Soil structure and porous system in response to plant components of an agrosilvopastoral system. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 63-78, 2018. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, F.R.A.; SOUZA, H.A.; CARVALHO, M.A.R.; COSTA, M.C.G. Green fertilization with residues of leguminous trees for cultivating maize in degraded soil. Revista Caatinga, v. 31, p. 798-807, 2018. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, L.S.; COSTA, M.C.G.; SOUSA, H.A.; BLUM, J.; SILVA, G.H.A.; ABREU, M.G.P.; MAIA, D.S. Characterization of organic wastes and effects of their application on the soil. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 291-298, 2018. (Qualis B1)

PONTES FILHO, R.A.; GONDIM, F.A.; COSTA, M.C.G. Seedling growth of tree species under doses of hydrogel and two light conditions. Revista Árvore (on-line), v. 42, p. 1-9, 2018. (Qualis B1)

BARBOSA, T.C.S.; COSTA, M.C.G. ; LACERDA, C.F. ; BARBOSA, F.E.L. Nitrogen in Soil in Response to Cover Plants and Irrigation Levels in Semi-Arid. Journal of Ecology and Natural Resources, v. 4, p. 1-11, 2020. (Sem Qualis)

IWATA, B.F.; COSTA, M.C.G.; LEITE, L.F.C.; NASCIMENTO, B.L.M.; ALMEIDA, K.S.; BARBOSA, L.S.; SOUSA JÚNIOR, E.L.; BRANDÃO, M.L.S.M. Manejo de resíduos em argissolo sob agrofloresta no semiárido cearense. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 6, p. 20702-20716, 2020. (Sem Qualis)

OLIVEIRA, L.S.; MAIA, R.N.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength values for the degrees of soil consistency using human perception and TS-Soil device. Catena, v. 190, 10541, 2020. (Qualis A2)

SILVA, C.P.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; ROMERO, R.E.; ALENCAR, T.L.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; OLIVEIRA, L.S.; SOUZA, L.S.; COSTA, M.C.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Cohesive character in Alfisols, Ultisol and Oxisols in northeast of Brazil: Relationship with tensile strength and particle size. GEODERMA REGIONAL, v. 23, p. e00341, 2020. (Qualis B1)

15. Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho

SILVA JUNIOR, J.M.T.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; GOMES, V.F.F.; MASCENA, A.M.; GARCIA, K.G.V. Morphological pattern of colonization by mycorrhizal fungi and the microbial activity observed in Barbados cherry crops. Ciência Rural, v. 47, p. e20160660, 2017. (Qualis B1)

GARCIA, K.G.V.; GOMES, V.F.F.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; MARTINS, C.M.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; SILVA JÚNIOR, J.M.T. Tolerância de Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth. associada a micorrizas arbusculares em substrato da mineração de manganês. Revista de Ciências Agrárias (Belém), v. 60, p. 247-255, 2017. (Qualis B3)

MORAES, G.P.; GOMES, V.F.F; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; SILVA JÚNIOR, J.M.T. Adubação nitrogenada associada à inoculação com Azospirillum brasilense na cultura do milho. Agropecuária Técnica (UFPB), v. 38, p. 109, 2017. (Qualis B5)

ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; GARCIA, K.G.V.; GOMES, V.F.F.; ALMEIDA, C.L. Densidade, caracterização e eficiência de bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio em áreas de caatinga degradada. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, v. 13, p. 16-21, 2018. (Qualis B4)

ANJOS, D.C.; HERNANDEZ, F.F.F.; BAÑUELOS, G.S.; DANGI, SR.; TIRADO-CORBALÁ, R.; SILVA, F.N.; MENDES FILHO, PAULO F. Microbial community and heavy metals content in soils along the Curu River in Ceará, Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 14, p. e00173, 2018. (Qualis B1)

ARAÚJO, J.L.; PASTORI, P.L.; GOMES, V.F.F.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; NUNES, L.A.P.L. Changes in the abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in the cultivation of fruit crops. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 49, p. 537-546, 2018. (Qualis B1)

BEZERRA, M.; MENDES FILHO, PAULO ; GARCIA, K.G.V.; GOMES, V.F.F. estudo da colonização micorrízica arbuscular no desenvolvimento de minirosa no município de Eusébio-CE. Enciclopédia Biosfera, v. 15, p. 486-497, 2018. (Qualis B5)

GARCIA, K.G.V.; GOMES, V.F.F.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; MARTINS, C.M.; SILVA JÚNIOR, J.M.T.; CUNHA, C.S.M.; PINHEIRO, J.I. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the phytostabilization of soil degraded by manganese mining. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 192, 2018. (Qualis B1)

SILVA JÚNIOR, J.M.T.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; GOMES, V.F.F.; NESS, R.L.L.; ALMEIDA, A.M.M.; GARCIA, K.G.V. Evaluation of growth and morphological pattern of mycorrhization in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)] fertilized with phosphorus. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 414, 2018. (Qualis B1)

SILVA, C.P.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; GOMES, V.F.F.; MARTINS, C.M.; CUNHA, C.S.M.; LOBATO, M.G. Glomalin-related soil protein content in areas of degraded and revegetated Caatinga in the Municipality of Irauçuba. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 1-11, 2018. (Qualis B1)

ABREU, M.G.P.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; GARCIA, K.G.V.; SILVA JUNIOR, J.M.T.; ALBUQUERQUE, G.H.S.; ARAUJO, J.M.; TAVELLA, L.B. Effect of manganese on growth and nodulation of Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia (Benth.). Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 11, p. 339, 2019. (Qualis B1)

GARCIA, K.G.V.; MENDES FILHO, P.F.; PINHEIRO, J.I.; CARMO, J.F.; PEREIRA, A.P.A.; MARTINS, C.M.; ABREU, M.G.P.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, J.S. Attenuation of manganese-induced toxicity in Leucaena leucocephala colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizae. Water, Air And Soil Pollution, v. 231, p. 22-22, 2020. (Qualis B1)

16. Prof. Raimundo Nonato de Assis Júnior

AZEVEDO, J.; FREIRE, A.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SANTOS, C.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; BEZERRA, F.M.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Desempenho de sistemas de leitura de tensiômetro em condições de temperatura controlada. Irriga, v. 22, n. 4, 735-756, 2017. (Qualis B1)

ARAÚJO, A.M.S.S.; MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SILVA, C.P.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength in horizons with and without cohesive charater: variability and relation with granulometry. Catena, v. 166, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M.; MOTA, J.C.A. Functionality of the porous network of Bt horizons of soils with and without cohesive character. Geoderma, v. 313, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MOTA, J.C.A.; LIBARDI, P.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; BRITO, A.S.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; ALENCAR, T.L.; FREIRE, A.G.; LIMA JÚNIOR, J.C. Climatic and soil water balances for the melon crop. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 116-129, 2018. (Qualis B1)

MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M. Pore shape, size distribution and orientation in Bt horizons of two Alfisols with and without cohesive character from Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 15, e00197, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, I.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SANTOS, C.L.A.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; MOTA, J.C.A. Effect of sample re-saturation on soil-water characteristic curve. Revista Caatinga, v. 31, n. 2, p. 446-454, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, I.V.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ARAÚJO, J.C.; ALENCAR, T.L.; FREIRE, A.G.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; SILVA, C.P.; MOTA, J.C.A.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V. Estimation of van Genuchten equation parameters in laboratory and through inverse modeling with Hydrus-1D. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 102-110, 2018. (Qualis B1)

FREIRE, A.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; CHAVES, A.F.; NASCIMENTO, Í.V.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; VAN LIER, Q.J.; MOTA, J.C.A. Comparison of devices for measuring soil matric potential and effects on soil hydraulic functions and related parameters. Agricultural Water Management, v. 209, p.1 34-141, 2018. (Qualis A1)

BRAZ, R.S.; LACERDA, C.F.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; FERREIRA, J.F.S.; OLIVEIRA, A.C.; RIBEIRO, A.A. Growth and physiology of maize under water salinity and nitrogen fertilization in two soils. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental , v. 23, p. 907-913, 2019. (Qualis B1)

MOREIRA, V.O.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ARAGÃO, T.C. Crescimento e fotossíntese do milho cultivado sob estresse salino com esterco e polímero superabsorvente. Irriga (UNESP. CD-ROM), v. 25, p. 603-616, 2020. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, L.S.; MAIA, R.N.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength values for the degrees of soil consistency using human perception and TS-Soil device. Catena, v. 190, 10541, 2020. (Qualis A2)

SILVA, F.G.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; MESQUITA, R.O.; MARQUES, E.S.; MOTA, J.C.A. Gas exchanges and growth of maize as affected by aeration porosity and soil compaction. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 51, e20196834, 2020. (Qualis B1)

17. Prof. Raul Shiso Toma

MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.;ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M.; MOTA, J.C.A. Functionality of the porous network of Bt horizons of soils with and without cohesive character. Geoderma, v. 313, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M. Pore shape, size distribution and orientation in Bt horizons of two Alfisols with and without cohesive character from Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 15, e00197, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; COSTA, M.C.G.; TOMA, R.S.; COOPER, M. Plant components of agroforestry system have different contributions to soil fertility. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 381-391, 2018. (Qualis B1)

NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; COSTA, M.C.G.; TOMA, R.S.; MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; COOPER, M. Soil structure and porous system in response to plant components of an agrosilvopastoral system. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 63-78, 2018. (Qualis B1)

SILVA, R.G.P.O.; MOTA, J.C.A.; TOMA, R.S. Semi-detailed survey of soils of Ceará’s semiarid region: Lavoura Seca Experimental Farm. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v.51, e20196869, 2020. (Qualis B1)

18. Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero

ARAÚJO, A.M.S.S.; MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; SILVA, C.P.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength in horizons with and without cohesive charater: variability and relation with granulometry. Catena, v. 166, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

FERREIRA, M.P.S.; ARTUR, A.G.; QUEIROZ, H.M.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G. Changes in attributes of soils subjected to fallow in desertification hotspot. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 49, p. 22-31, 2018. (Qualis B1)

MENEZES, A.S.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JUNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M.; MOTA, J.C.A. Functionality of the porous network of Bt horizons of soils with and without cohesive character. Geoderma, v. 313, p. 290-297, 2018. (Qualis A2)

MOTA, J.C.A.; MENEZES, A.S.; NASCIMENTO, C.D.V.; ALENCAR, T.L.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; TOMA, R.S.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; COOPER, M. Pore shape, size distribution and orientation in Bt horizons of two Alfisols with and without cohesive character from Brazil. Geoderma Regional, v. 15, e00197, 2018. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA, L.S.; MAIA, R.N.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; ROMERO, R.E.; COSTA, M.C.G.; ALENCAR, T.L.; MOTA, J.C.A. Tensile strength values for the degrees of soil consistency using human perception and TS-Soil device. Catena, v. 190, 10541, 2020. (Qualis A2)

SILVA, C.P.; ALMEIDA, B.G.; ROMERO, R.E.; ALENCAR, T.L.; LOBATO, M.G.R.; OLIVEIRA, L.S.; SOUZA, L.S.; COSTA, M.C.G.; MOTA, J.C.A. Cohesive character in Alfisols, Ultisol and Oxisols in northeast of Brazil: Relationship with tensile strength and particle size. GEODERMA REGIONAL, v. 23, p. e00341, 2020. (Qualis B1)

19. Prof.ª Rosilene Oliveira Mesquita

SILVA, F.G.; ASSIS JÚNIOR, R.N.; MESQUITA, R.O.; MARQUES, E.S.; MOTA, J.C.A. Gas exchanges and growth of maize as affected by aeration porosity and soil compaction. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 51, e20196834, 2020. (Qualis B1)

20. Prof. Thales Vinícius de Araújo Viana

REGES, K.S.L.; VIANA, T.V.A.; SOUSA, G.G.; SANTOS, F.S.S.; LACERDA, C.F.; AZEVEDO, B.M. Estresse salino em plantas de pimentão em sistema semi-hidropônico sob fertilização orgânica e mineral. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, v. 11, p. 1813-1824, 2017. (Qualis B3)

SANTOS, E.O.; VIANA, T.V.A.; SOUSA, G.G.; CARVALHO, A.C.P.P.; AZEVEDO, B.M. Biomass accumulation and nutrition in micropropagated plants of the banana prata catarina under biofertilisers. Revista Caatinga, v. 30, p. 901-911, 2017. (Qualis B1)

SOUSA, P.G.R.; VIANA, T.V.A.; CARVALHO, C.M.; SOUSA, A.M.; COSTA, C.P.M.; AZEVEDO, B.M. Efeito de diferentes lâminas de irrigação e cobertura do solo no crescimento da cultura do sorgo. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, v. 11, p. 1528-1537, 2017. (Qualis B3)

SEABRA FILHO, M.; MENEZES, A.S.; PINHEIRO NETO, L.G.; AZEVEDO, B.M.; VIANA, T.V.A.; SAMPAIO, G.M. Behavior of water in soil cultivated with sunflower under water stress. Cultura Agronômica, v. 27, p. 440-449, 2018. (Qualis B3)

OLIVEIRA, E.V.; LACERDA, C.F.; NEVES, A.L.R.; GHEYI, H.R.; OLIVEIRA, D.R.; OLIVEIRA, F.Í.F.; VIANA, T.V.A. A new method to evaluate salt tolerance of ornamental plants. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, v. 30, p. 173-180, 2018. (Qualis B1)

OLIVEIRA FILHO, J.S.; VIANA, T.V.A.; AZEVEDO, B.M.; SOUSA, G.G.; PEREIRA, M.G. Phosphorus forms and lability of organic matter during anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, v. 40, n. 5, suplemento 1, p. 2017-2120, 2019. (Qualis B1)

SOUZA, M.V.P.; SOUSA, G.G.; SALES, J.R.S.; FREIRE, M.H.C.; SILVA, G.L.; VIANA, T.V.A. Saline water and biofertilizer from bovine and goat manure in the Lima bean crop. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias, v. 14, p. 1-8, 2019. (Qualis B1)

AZEVEDO, J.; VIANA, T.V.A.; SOUSA, G.G.; GOMES, K.R.; CANJA, J.F.; AZEVEDO, B.M. Biomass production and macronutrient leaf content in zucchini grounded with biofertilizers in different soils. Research, Society and Development, v. 9, p. 1-22, 2020. (Sem Qualis)

BASTOS, R.L.G.; UCHOA, M.R.; SILVA, D.A.; MARIANO, A.B.R.; VIANA, T.V.A.; AZEVEDO, B.M.; AZEVEDO, J.; SOUSA, P.G.R. Efeito da utilização de biofertilizantes na produção de biomassa de cultivares de feijão-fava. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 6, p. 19748-19757, 2020. (Sem Qualis)

PEREIRA FILHO, J.V.; MENDONÇA, A.M.; SOUSA, G.G.; VIANA, T.V.A.; RIBEIRO, R.M.R.; CANJÁ, J.F. Crescimento inicial da cultura da fava irrigada sob estresse salino e hídrico. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, v. 14, p. 4036-4046, 2020. (Qualis B3)

SILVA, T.C.; VIANA, T.V.A.; SOUSA, G.G.; BLUM, S.C.; SOUSA, A.M.; AZEVEDO, B.M. Atributos químicos e atividade microbiológica em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo com e sem queima em condições de semiárido. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, v. 7, p. 575-588, 2020. (Qualis B5)

SOUSA, J.T.M.; SOUSA, G.G.; SILVA, E.B.; CRUZ FILHO, E.M.; SANTOS, S.O.; VIANA, T.V.A. Emergência e crescimento inicial em plântulas de sorgo irrigado com águas salinas em diferentes substratos. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, v. 14, p. 3949-3959, 2020. (Qualis B3)

UCHOA, M.R.; BASTOS, R.L.G.; VIANA, T.V.A.; AZEVEDO, B.M.; AZEVEDO, J.; SILVESTRE, F.E.R.; MACEDO, D.X.S.; SANTOS, V.C. Desenvolvimento de cultivares de feijão-fava sob influência de diferentes biofertilizantes. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 6, p. 19725-19734, 2020. (Sem Qualis)

21. Prof. William Natale

MENDES, N.V.B.; LIMA, D.C.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; NATALE, W. Emergência e desenvolvimento inicial da bacabeira em diferentes substratos e ambientes. Revista Brasileira de Agropecuária Sustentável, v. 8, p. 90-99, 2018. (Qualis B4)

MENDES, N.V.B.; LIMA, D.C.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; NATALE, W. Emergência e desenvolvimento inicial do açaizeiro em diferentes substratos e ambientes. Acta Iguazu, v. 7, p. 84-96, 2018. (Qualis B3)

PINHEIRO, J.I.; ARTUR, A.G.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; SOUZA, J.R.M.; NATALE, W.; SANTOS, R.M.; ARAÚJO, E.A.; MARTINS, T.S. Macronutrients use efficiency and phosphorus exportation by melon plants in response to fertilization. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 10, p. 266-274, 2018. (Qualis B1)

LIMA, D.C.; MENDES, N.V.B.; CORRÊA,M.C.M.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; QUEIROZ, R.F.; NATALE, W. Growth and nutrient accumulation in the aerial part of red Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.). Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, v. 41, p. e-030, 2019. (Qualis B1)

SANTOS, R.M.; SERRANO, L.A.L.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; ARTUR, A.G; NATALE, W.; CORRÊA, M.C.M. Foliar fertilization on the production of grafted dwarf cashew seedlings. Ciência e Agrotecnologia (Online), v. 43, p. e028119, 2019. (Qualis A2)

ARAÚJO, E.A.; ARTUR, A.G.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; NATALE, W. SERRANO, L.A.L. Rootstock/scion in dwarf cashew improves aluminum tolerance, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1862189. (Qualis B2)

SANTOS, R.M.; NATALE, W.; TANIGUCHI, C.A.K.; CORRÊA, M.C.M.; SERRANO, L.A.L.; ARTUR, A.G. Association of controlled-release and foliar fertilizers in the production of grafted dwarf cashew seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v. 1, p. 1-9, 2020. (Qualis B2)

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